




最新 IG 讯息


Wisdom in Income Management

It is not the wealth of Solomon that we want to learn, but his wisdom. Our relationship with money has to be based on the truth. Being blessed is not enough. Our heart has to be taught to fear God. Managing income is actually the same as managing our heart, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 1 Kings 10:14-17"The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories. King Solomon made two hundred large shields

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Winning In The Valley

Why does the Holy Spirit lead us into the battlefield? If we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our lives will be directed to the combat field, not to destroy us, but so we receive victory. If we face a trial, don’t be afraid and discouraged. If the Holy Spirit is with us, we will win. The Holy Spirit knows what we are facing. Believe that something good will happen. Trust in His guidance, for He has never wrongly guided us. 1. The devil can test us through our basic needs. "Where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He

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Manna During the Pandemic

BLESSINGS ARE PLACED UPON OUR KNEES, NOT UPON OUR WORKSManna is the miraculous food that God provided for the Israelites for 40 years in wilderness before they entered Canaan. God promised and provided, but they did not recognize His blessings. So, the teaching of His words are necessary for us to be able to identify His provisions, then we can appreciate and manage them. God’s inclusion is often left unnoticed by our eyes because it is sometimes too small, too subtle, and too coincidental. The pure blessing that is given off of God’s will and love is provided in the morning

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骄傲与自大是神所恨恶的心态,而谦卑是荣耀之开端。即使是一个最有权势和影响力的人,一旦遇到难题也会使他在耶稣的脚前屈膝。所以让难题使我们向神屈膝并寻求神的荣面。 乃缦军长是一个大人物。从他的外表看来就很了不起,可是回家脱衣服时,身上却患了麻风。每一个人都有问题,包括我们所佩服的人。遇到问题时,可别绝望并与他人做比较,以免让自己更加沮丧。 列王紀下5:2-3所记载的小女孩是犹太人,与以色列征战时就掳了她,使她成为仆婢。在神面前乃缦肯定做过许多恶事。即使没有名誉和地位,这小女孩被俘虏了也不想报仇及因沮丧使自己绝望。反而她的话语充满智慧。今日我们能失去所有,但若神祝福我们,无论我们做什么,将会蒙神祝福。 别让世人的话使你被蒙蔽。谦卑是从向神坦白表达自己的心意开始,因果然是神为我们下定论 。谦卑是从一个位格开始,即是耶稣基督。这小女孩让乃缦去一个极不光彩的地方叫撒玛利亚。乃缦被迫降低自尊心。谦卑的心将使我们得医治。神把最大的祝福放在如此卑微的地方,于是我们若要得到医治就必谦卑。 当乃缦还利用他与诸国王之间的关系时,等于他尚未卸下自己的身份。他不仅尚未卸下自己的身份,而且还依靠金钱与和人之间的关系。乃缦越高抬自己,神就越使他降卑。虽然乃缦认识不少国王,但他没有先遇见以利沙。乃缦先遇见以利沙的仆人基哈西,并被吩咐要到他所侵略之地,污浊的约旦河去沐浴。直到一个人在神的圣坛前俯伏跪拜,神不会使祂的神迹显现。神赐给神迹并非因我们拥有极大的信心或我们是配得的人,乃是因神爱谦卑的人。 为领受神迹,如何拥有谦卑的心? 谦卑地承认自己所犯的罪如果你想成为一只白羊,就不要找代替罪羔羊而责怪别人。也许有些基督徒或神的仆人变成了绊脚石,可不代表基督徒的神也是如此。也许我们来自不完整的家庭或是一个私生子。但别把这些作为你的藉接口。要对自己有负责人,别再责怪他人,并在神面前要承认自己的罪。 谦卑地求神的帮助可别把说这口头禅“神,祢若帮助我,我就会服事侍祢。” 这句話當成了口头禅。我们要以甘心乐意的心来服侍神。神只问,“你要痊愈吗?”。坦诚地向神诉求,就像个小孩告诉父亲他饿了。我们也如此,只需向神说我需要袮的帮助。神会引导我们走正确的路。也许转变不是一夜之间发生,而是要一步一步来。或神透过神迹奇事赐我们一条近路。只要你所求的是公义,良好并合乎神的话语,这就是信徒的产业了。 谦卑地赞美神的伟大我们要承认神的存在,也要不断地赞美祂并把我们所做的一切都交托给神,以至于我们的计划能成全。另外还要到神面前来俯伏敬拜,不是因祂的神迹而因为无论我们面对什么,神依然美善。赞美神时,我们将先要使自己卑微,好让我们最终能被提升。

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