Pastor Philip Mantofa was born in Surabaya on the 27th of September, 1974. From his birthplace, he went on to study abroad in Taipei, Singapore, and finally, he repented during his high school days in Vancouver, Canada.
Two years after he received his undergraduate degree in theology from Canada, as riots broke out in Indonesia in May 1998, he decided to return to his homeland for the sake of preaching the Gospel. The Rose of Sharon Church he leads has become one of the fastest-growing churches with around 100,000 members found in numerous locations nationwide and beyond. To date, strong local churches have been planted throughout Asia, in Australia, Europe and the USA. Currently, he serves as the senior pastor of the church network and organization. His vision is to build 1000 strong local churches with 1,000,000 disciples of Christ. His heart’s burning desire is to see nations experience and encounter the love of Jesus Christ.
In addition to his passion for revival, he started painting professionally in 2014. Thereafter, hundreds of his dreams and visions have been depicted by his own fingers on canvases, and they have deeply spoken to, impacted, and anointed the lives of many. Not until he turned 40 when he realized that painting is a great way to preserve visually his prophetic insights which carry powerful messages that are life transforming. He unflinchingly shares his spiritual revelations and illustrations with the purpose of leading and drawing men into the hope and power of Christ’s redemption. He is also the author of "Before 30," “Warrior For Revival,” "Holy Spirit, My Best Friend," and many other best-selling books.
Pastor Philip is happily married to Irene Saphira, and they are blessed with 3 children: Vanessa, Jeremy, and Warren.
他们正挑战非基督徒是否願意接受耶稣時, 我預備要离开加拿大教会的会堂。当我的手快要抓住门把时,忽然听到一个声音大声地对着我说, 「腓力,假使你今天不得救,你将永远都不会得救。」我非常惊讶,接着我举起双手,开始哭得像小孩子一样。没错,那就是上帝的声音!我属灵旅程始於1992年在我18岁的台前呼召起,直到今天。
为要赢得我这世代的人,上帝托付給我一颗牧养人的心以及布道家的恩膏。從此「神的军队」誕生了--- 就是从泗水市产生的大型运动及青年复兴之火。 2000年时我经历了一場关于地狱的可怕的异象,而這過程的見證透过 「地狱之旅」 布道会带动了一股极大的悔改浪潮。
从救恩之雨,神引导我进入医治的河流,透过 “神大能布道会” 的服事證實神迹仍然存在。圣灵的火从2000年被点燃后,就再也没有熄灭。而且,这火蔓延到整个亚洲,以及全世界。正如同保罗事工中的手帕一样,我们的媒体事工继续將福音传播到印尼及全世界的每个人。
若你问我为何如此勤奋地在上帝的禾場中工作,这问题的答案真是再简单不过了: 因为我眼目定睛在天堂的异象。在2003年一場遇見神的经历后,我為沙仑玫瑰教会领受一個建立1000间坚强的地方教会的負擔,以及建造一百万个基督门徒!那就是我人生的使命。