“During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”
(Acts 16:9-10)
We believe in 2030 we shall accomplish the vision of 300 local churches. This number is not created by man to be boastful, but this truly is God’s vision and desire for us. Souls are His yearnings! Let us know and understand the Father’s heart through His Word.
One night God gave Paul a vision of this Macedonian man asking for help. God revealed His heart’s desire to Paul because he fervently sought after God’s heart even until late at night. He understood the gospel is an emergency. Yes, do not ever get bored hearing this vision for souls! This vision is a purpose which shall never be taken away from our lives.
How do we undertake this vision of 300 local churches in 2030? What part can we take in the planting of cell groups, satellites, and local churches? We can take lessons from the story of Lydia, Cornelius, and Timothy:
1. Leap of faith
As we do, Paul had his limitation. He might not know full well what God’s plan in the vision was. He took the burden God placed in his heart, and by faith he preached the Gospel there. As long as we are sincere, do not be afraid to take the leap of faith. Our success always begins with our first step, the step taken in obedience. We walk not by recklessness but by boldness in God’s word.
2. Seek divine connection
Upon reaching Philippi, Paul looked for a Jewish temple and met the women there, including Lydia, who opened up her house which became the origin of Philippians’ church. We need to find this kind of divine connection. Start small. Find other congregants of Mawar Sharon Church in the city. Do not be partial of who we serve. Minister to whoever needs our service, even though it might not seem to conform to the vision. Be faithful of the small things God entrusted us with. Those will guide us to fulfill His vision. Do not worry whether we are able or not, serve wholeheartedly whomever God trusts us with.
3. Always start from the hunger and thirst after God.
A church always begins with people hungry and thirsty upon God. Acts 10:24-48 tells a beautiful story about how the Holy Spirit arranged Peter and Cornelius to meet. The meeting resulted in a fellowship and also these three works of the Spirit:
a. The increase in God’s work
b. The increase of Church Sacraments such as water baptism, Spirit baptism, and others
c. The increase of discipleship
4. Disciple and prepare pastor/leader
Paul discipled Timothy and prepared him as the leader of the newly planted church. It was clear how Paul fathered and discipled him, especially in his First Letter to Timothy 4:11-16. God always prepares a spiritual father as the pastor of a local church. He will not let it become fatherless. Let us keep praying for new leaders are prepared and raised for the upcoming churches.
Through those three stories we can see how God always provides when he gives us vision. Our part is to respond with boldness and strong faith, to take steps according to His guidance, and to adopt His heart for souls. God will provide everything needed to fulfill the vision, with His miraculous ways beyond our comprehension.
Excepted from Mission Night 2030-300, a sermon by Pastor Philip Mantofa, 28 February 2020
God always prepares a spiritual father as the pastor of a local church. He will not let it become fatherless. Let us keep praying for new leaders, who are prepared and raised for the upcoming churches.