
Hello, this is Philip Mantofa

Welcome home! I pray that this point of contact with us will begin your exciting adventure with the Holy Spirit and His Word 🕊


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Wisdom in Income Management

It is not the wealth of Solomon that we want to learn, but his wisdom. Our relationship with money has to be based on the truth. Being blessed is not enough. Our heart has to be taught to fear God. Managing income is actually the same as managing our heart, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 1 Kings 10:14-17"The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories. King Solomon made two hundred large shields

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Winning In The Valley

Why does the Holy Spirit lead us into the battlefield? If we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our lives will be directed to the combat field, not to destroy us, but so we receive victory. If we face a trial, don’t be afraid and discouraged. If the Holy Spirit is with us, we will win. The Holy Spirit knows what we are facing. Believe that something good will happen. Trust in His guidance, for He has never wrongly guided us. 1. The devil can test us through our basic needs. "Where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He

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Manna During the Pandemic

BLESSINGS ARE PLACED UPON OUR KNEES, NOT UPON OUR WORKSManna is the miraculous food that God provided for the Israelites for 40 years in wilderness before they entered Canaan. God promised and provided, but they did not recognize His blessings. So, the teaching of His words are necessary for us to be able to identify His provisions, then we can appreciate and manage them. God’s inclusion is often left unnoticed by our eyes because it is sometimes too small, too subtle, and too coincidental. The pure blessing that is given off of God’s will and love is provided in the morning

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Miracle of Humility

Arrogance and pride are God’s enemies, but humility is the beginning of glory. There is problem that will force even the most powerful and influential person to kneel before Jesus. Let the problem guide us to kneel down before Him and seek His face. Naaman was a respected commander. To others, Naaman surely looked honorable outwardly, but when he went home and opened his armor, he was a leper inside. Everyone has his own problem, including people we admire. Do not give up when we have problem, stop comparing ourselves with others and getting frustrated. The young girl in 2 Kings 5:2-3

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